Public Resource
Latino Climate Justice Framework 2025-28
The climate crisis continues to intensify, disproportionately affecting Latino/a/e communities across the United States. These impacts intersect with and exacerbate long-standing inequities and injustices, creating urgent challenges that require immediate attention and action. While some effective climate measures have been implemented, there are concerns false solutions may perpetuate environmental injustices while delaying necessary transitions to renewable energy. A GreenLatinos analysis of funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in five states with significant Latino/a/e populations found promising trends in investments, but also revealed that IIJA funding does not meet the pace of action needed to combat the worst of the climate crisis. We must hold our government accountable to financing long-term solutions that contribute to the environmental liberation of the Latino/a/e community and beyond. The LCJF remains committed to advocating for essential policies that prioritize the needs of Latino/a/e communities, including an equitable clean energy transition, climate resilience investments, strong worker protections, and meaningful community engagement in climate policy decisions.