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Measuring the Current: 77% of Voters Agree More Transmission Is Important
An overwhelming, bipartisan majority of voters (77%) believe that building more transmission is important for the U.S. When asked about overhead transmission lines being built in their community, more than a third of respondents (34%) have not heard enough to say, with the remainder of respondents split between a favorable opinion (30%) and an unfavorable opinion (36%). Unsurprisingly, underground lines are more favorable (52%) despite being cost prohibitive for developers to date, though 34% of voters still haven’t heard enough to say their opinions. 55% of voters say they would support a transmission line being built in their community. Support is slightly lower among Black (49%) voters, compared with white (57%) and Latino (66%) voters. A majority of respondents (60%) agree that new transmission would improve reliability, leading to fewer blackouts and outages. Most voters (58%) prefer a publicly owned and operated transmission system, compared with just 24% who support private ownership.