
Search below for resources covering the intersection of climate engagement, social science and data analytics.


How to Effectively Show Climate Change in 25 Images

Jennifer R. Marlon, Yale University. Shutterstock Blog.
Tips & How-Tos

Use visual images to make climate change feel real and immediate. This blog post offers tips on what types of visual images are best at educating audiences about the problem and engaging them on solutions. These include: know your audience, use real people not stock images, tell new stories about climate change, avoid shaming individuals, and couple disturbing images with something positive.             

Using Virtual Reality in Sea Level Rise Planning and Community Engagement—An Overview

Juliano Calil, Geraldine Fauville, Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz, Kelly L. Leo, Alyssa G. Newton Mann, Tiffany Wise-West, Paulo Salvatore, Jeremy N. Bailenson. Water
Research & Articles

Consider using virtual reality to convey the reality of sea-level rise. In three coastal communities, VR simulations of sea-level rise were found to do a better job than conventional maps in helping people visualize projected impacts. Residents familiar with the locations had especially strong emotional reactions to the images shown during the simulations. This study also finds that it is important to involve local residents in the planning and promotion of virtual reality simulations of sea-level rise.             

Research & Articles

Listen to the youth. This montage of some of the 400 short films submitted for annual youth filmmaking challenge is an urgent call for climate justice. Speaking in plain language and using simple-yet-creative graphics, these youth offer a fresh perspective on the climate crisis. Many of their messages are about what can be achieved through working together. Their honesty, directness and positivity have the potential to compel a wide variety of audiences to join them.             

The Senses Toolkit

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Research & Articles

The SENSES Toolkit is a collection of visualization tools that explore a variety of climate change and clean energy scenarios scenarios including:

In addition to the scenarios, the toolkit includes practical guidelines of how to use climate change scenarios for three key user groups: policymakers, the financial sector, and regional audiences.


HOLY SH*T! 7 Things To Do Instead Of Hoarding Toilet Paper

Rae Abileah and Nadine Bloch, Waging Nonviolenc
Tips & How-Tos

This irreverent guide to activism in the time of pandemic offers a roundup of the most creative and effective social movement responses to COVID-19, filtered through seven of the most relevant tools from the Beautiful Trouble toolbox, with links to resources compiled especially for this moment. 

Research & Articles

As communities and advocates worldwide work to respond adequately to increasing climate disasters, where can climate advocates find resources to advance just, equitable, and community-based disaster recovery?

In this webinar, Climate Advocacy Lab teamed up with Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) to discuss CJA's recently released multimedia report Our Power Puerto Rico: Moving Toward a Just Recovery (a project completed with support from the Lab!). During the conversation, authors, experts, and frontline organizers who contributed to the case study and report highlight tools (including the 'Just Recovery framework'), practices, and experiential lessons learned from applying a participatory model of "Just Recovery" to disaster response in Puerto Rico following hurricane María. 

Heatwave Risk Perceptions

Peter Howe, Utah State University; Jennifer Marlon, Xinran Wang and Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Research & Articles

Tool maps how Americans perceive the health risks of extreme heat events (heat waves) at the state and county level in the U.S.  Higher values indicate that people perceive greater risks from heat waves to their own health, the health of their families, and the health of their local communities. 

Researchers found a distinct north–south gradient in perceptions of harm from heat waves, with residents in southern states perceiving higher risk than those in northern states. People in the northern Midwest exhibited lower risk perceptions than those in coastal states. Residents of Hawaii, Texas, Nevada, and Louisiana had the highest perceived risk.

CA Power Plants Map

Physicians, Scientists & Engineers for Healthy Energy
Research & Articles


Poll: Americans see climate monitoring as top priority for NASA

Cary Funk and Mark Strauss, Pew Research Center
Research & Articles

More Americans (63%) think "monitoring key parts of the Earth's climate system" should be a top priority for NASA than they do any other potential priority, according to this wide-ranging survey, conducted March 27-April 9, 2018, on Americans' attitudes on NASA and space exploration.

Poll: Climate Change in the American Mind: October 2017

Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Roser-Renouf, C., Rosenthal, S., Cutler, M., & Kotcher, J. Yale University & George Mason University
Research & Articles

A majority (63%) of Americans are worried about global warming, including 22% who are "very worried", the highest percentage reporting that level of concern since this ongoing survey was first run in 2008. The survey also found 64% of Americans think global warming is affecting the weather, and 33% think weather is being affected "a lot", an 8 percentage point increase from May 2017. 38% of Americans say they're talking about climate change with friends and family "often" or "occasionally", a 12 point increase from May, but still far less than the 62% who "rarely" or "never" discuss it.