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Environmental Polling Roundup - February 16th, 2024
David Gold, Environmental Polling Consortium

This post includes climate and environment headlines, data points, and key takeaways from recent public polls - including new polls of Western voters and young conservatives.



[Western States] Colorado College

The latest “State of the Rockies” poll finds that Western voters across party lines rate conservation issues as an important factor in their vote this year; for the first time in the poll’s history, the majority of Republicans say that conservation should be prioritized over maximizing fossil fuel production [Website]

[Young Conservatives] American Conservation Coalition
Young conservatives overwhelmingly support the clean energy transition and say that Republicans in Congress should care more about climate change [Deck]



Conservation remains a clear bipartisan priority. The latest wave of Colorado College’s long-running “State of the Rockies” poll finds overwhelming, bipartisan support for conservation proposals such as 30x30 in Western States. And for the first time in the survey’s history, majorities of Republicans, independents, and Democrats all say that they would prefer that their member of Congress focuses on protecting clean water, air quality, and wildlife habitat over maximizing drilling and mining for fossil fuels on public lands. When it comes to clean energy production, meanwhile, Western voters importantly agree that we can increase clean energy production while also preserving natural areas and the character of our communities.
Clean energy is a winning issue with young conservatives. The American Conservation Coalition finds that young conservatives overwhelmingly agree that the country should shift toward using more clean energy sources, and solar energy is particularly popular with this audience. This embrace of clean energy by young conservatives helps to explain the disconnect that they’re feeling with the national Republican Party on climate issues, as young conservatives are far more likely to say that Republicans in Congress should care about climate change than to believe that Republicans in Congress currently do care about climate change. 



[Western States] 90% of voters in Western States support requiring oil and gas companies, rather than federal and state governments, to pay for all of the clean-up and land restoration costs after drilling is finished [Colorado College]
[Western States] 85% of voters in Western States say that issues involving clean water, clean air, wildlife and public lands are an important factor in deciding whether to support an elected official [Colorado College]
[Western States] 80% of voters in Western States support the goal of conserving 30% of the United States’ land and inland waters and 30% of ocean areas by 2030  [Colorado College]
[Western States] 75% of voters in Western States agree that we can both increase the production of clean energy while also preserving natural areas, wildlife habitat and the character of our communities [Colorado College]
[Young Conservatives] 79% of young conservative voters say that Republicans in Congress should care about climate change [American Conservation Coalition]
[Young Conservatives] 76% of young conservative voters support the U.S. shifting to produce more of its domestic energy using “clean energy” sources and reduce its use of fossil fuels [American Conservation Coalition]