Public Resource
Report: US Catholics say environmental justice important, but most unaware of Laudato Si'
Most Catholics in the U.S. believe environmental justice is an important issue. But only a third of them have heard of Pope Francis' encyclical on the topic, with Mass attendance key to familiarity with church teaching on the care for creation. Most of those interviewed (74%) prioritized church teaching on marriage over the environment (66%), followed by immigration (56%), abortion (53%), the death penalty (52%), birth control (48%) and euthanasia (47%). While 72% believe that "environmental justice is a legitimate issue that needs urgent attention" and 62% are "concerned that climate change will harm them personally at some point" in life, only 33% of those interviewed knew of Laudato Si', the 2015 encyclical Francis addressed to "every person living on this planet" to sound the alarm on "global environmental deterioration."