
Search below for resources covering the intersection of climate engagement, social science and data analytics.


Research & Articles

The nature of engagement with and donations to nonprofits have changed, as nonprofits’ digital presences have increased. Total online revenue for nonprofits decreased by 4% in 2022, and nonprofits reported especially sharp drops in revenue on Giving Tuesday and December 31. While one-time giving declined, monthly giving revenue increased by 12% — accounting for 28% of all online revenue in 2022. Digital advertising investment by nonprofits increased by 28%, and internet search remained the most reliable platform to generate a positive return on ad spend. Nonprofits sent 60 email messages per subscriber, including 29 fundraising appeals, and email generated 14% of all online revenue. While platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter dominated nonprofit social media engagement, 30% of participants reported being active on TikTok. Return on ad spending was highest for search ads: $2.75 for every dollar spent. Return on ad spending for Meta was $0.50 and $0.41 for Twitter. The majority of nonprofit website traffic came from users on mobile devices — 57%, with 43% of traffic from users on desktop devices. However, 75% of revenue came from users on desktop devices.

Poll: What do video gamers think about global warming?

Leiserowitz, A., Carman, J., Psaros, M., Neyens, L., Rosenthal, S., Marlon, J., and Srivastava, M. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Research & Articles

Video gamers are somewhat more concerned about climate change and are more willing to act than the average American. About three in four video gamers (73%) think global warming is happening, and the majority of video gamers (56%) understand that global warming is mostly human-caused. About one in five video gamers (22%) have seen or heard content related to global warming as part of gaming in the last 12 months, either as a topic in a game they have played (16%) or in a video gaming stream they have watched (16%). About half of video gamers are at least "moderately confident" that people from the gaming community, working together, can affect what local businesses (52%), corporations (52%), their state government (50%), the federal government (49%), or their local government (48%) does about global warming. More than half of video gamers (59%) say they either “probably” or “definitely” would sign a petition about global warming.

News Platform Fact Sheet

Naomi Forman-Katz and Katerina Eva Matsa. Pew Research Center
Research & Articles

Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices. A large majority of U.S. adults (82%) say they often or sometimes get news from a smartphone, computer or tablet, including 49% who say they do so often. This is similar to the 51% who said they often got news from digital devices in 2021, but lower than the 60% of those who said the same in 2020. When asked which of these platforms they prefer to get news on, about half of Americans say they prefer a digital device (53%), more than say they prefer TV (33%). Even fewer Americans prefer radio (7%) or print (5%). Among digital platforms, news websites or apps are also the most preferred source for news: About a quarter of U.S. adults (23%) prefer to get their news this way, compared with 13% who prefer social media, 12% who prefer search and 4% who say they prefer podcasts.

Poll: What Do Video Gamers Think About Global Warming?

Anthony Leiserowitz, Jennifer Carman, Marina Psaros, Liz Neyens, Seth Rosenthal, Jennifer Marlon and Malika Srivastava. Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Research & Articles

Americans who play video games are generally more personally concerned about climate change than the rest of the country, making them good targets for appeals to take action. About three in four video gamers (73%) think global warming is happening, and the majority of video gamers (56%) understand that global warming is mostly human-caused. These proportions are nearly identical to the proportions in the U.S. population overall, as measured in the Climate Change in the American Mind study conducted in April and May of 2022 (72% believe global warming is happening, 56% believe it is human-caused). Seven in ten video gamers (70%) say they are either “somewhat” or “very” worried about global warming, compared with 64% of the U.S. population overall. About half of video gamers are at least “moderately confident” that people from the gaming community, working together, can affect what local businesses (52%), corporations (52%), their state government (50%), the federal government (49%), or their local government (48%) does about global warming.

This tool shows which issues are most salient in which congressional districts, using Google search data. The tool allows users to search by issue (e.g., abortion, gas prices) and by congressional district. The current data online is from June 6-13, and jobs, taxes, gas prices, firearms, and wages are receiving the “most interest,” while abortion is receiving “medium interest.” Users can see issue salience/interest by absolute or relative interest.

Talking Data Equity with Dr. Mareike Schomerus

We All Count Community Forum
Research & Articles

Any kind of data may be less objectively interpretable than it may seem. Scientific processes and “facts” have always been created by humans who exist in power structures and have biases. Creating quantitative data that cover an entire population is a good step toward capturing relevant evidence about all groups, but we should still be careful to understand the biases we use to interpret data points and categories they’re put in. Dr. Mareike Schomerus is Vice President at the Busara Center in Nairobi. In this video, she shares her experiences with practical ways to design research and use data in ways that are both good science as well as grounded in local reality.

Research & Articles

2021 saw significant activity across the political tech space. This report describes relevant developments and trends. Social media platforms imposed limitations on individual targeting for political ads, forcing campaigns to explore alternative influencer-focused messaging strategies. Given recent underperformance at the ballot box, stakeholders dedicated more resources to studying the rightward shift of the Latinx voter base. Headlined by the acquisition of NGP VAN’s parent company EveryAction, merger and acquisition activity notably increased, demonstrating the growth and maturation of the political tech market. A small number of campaigns began to accept cryptocurrency donations, responding to our nation’s growing interest in emerging Web3 technologies.

submitted by pnewell

Phillip Newell, Climate Nexus. Reddit
Research & Articles

Climate content on Reddit has gotten lots of attention over recent years. This resource includes 9 years worth of the “most successful” content (by most upvotes) posted on Reddit by Phillip Newell of Climate Nexus. The top post, for example, is “The '1%' are the main drivers of climate change, but it hits the poor the hardest: Oxfam report” (77.2k upvotes).

Research & Articles

State Voices' 2022 Tools & Tech Guide has the latest digital tools and vendors, including texting services, cell-compliant dialers, digital organizing, online fundraising, relational organizing, digital marketing, advocacy, and bill tracking. This resource is the result of multi-year research from State Voices' Data and Technology Department. You can also learn more about technology recommendations for essential items like office chairs, laptops, webcams, docking stations, headphones, scheduling tools, computer monitors, and security software.

Figuring out where to start with digital tools can be daunting. Check out these practical tips for moving forward incorporating digital tools into your climte advocacy work. Here are the first three tips – open up the tip sheet to see more!