Renewable Energy Narrative Analysis: January–December 2018

This report looks at how the media covers renewable energy with a specific focus on the extent to which it quotes women as spokespeople, references issues of equity, or talks about communities of color. The report also provides baseline data and metrics against which to measure the impact of the diversity of leaders advancing clean energy realities ("women as well as men, communiteis of color as well as white, male entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley") and to track their progress over time.

Integrating Equity

Your campaigns, your organization and your coalitions are all stronger if you integrate equity throughout your efforts. Winning on climate while scorching the earth does not build a better movement. Learn the Lab team’s recommendations for integrating equity into your work to address four critical aspects of our campaigns. This guide covers how to build power, capacity, relationships, and more wins while also engaging in personal transformation and culture change.

Digital Strategy

This Guide for Digital Strategy will help you start integrating digital tools into the campaign and advocacy work you are already doing. The emphasis of this Guide is on basic understandings of the strategic use of social media, digital advocacy tools, and evidence-based insights in order to use them to help meet your campaign and organizational goals.

Policymaker Contact

What tactics actually move policymakers? We try hard to influence policymakers like elected leaders and other government decision-makers. But do our tactics work? Turns out, our assumptions (such as more = better) can be wrong. Here are evidence-based tips for getting through to policymakers, both through mobilizing your supporters and via direct lobbying from your organization.

Research and Testing

Are hopeful email subject lines more effective than scary ones? Is our GOTV program effectively turning out voters? We test as one way to learn the answers to these and many more questions. We test because our assumptions and gut feelings are frequently wrong. “Testing” is the process of carefully trying out variations in what you do and measuring the results so you can learn what works.

Relational Organizing

Creating and implementing an effective relational organizing strategy can supercharge your campaigning. This guide will help you develop a relational organizing strategy, think about how to use your existing network to build power, and provide a few tactics you can use to push people up your ladder of engagement.

Relational Climate Conversations

Before we can convince the American public to walk the walk on climate action, we've got to get our supporters to talk the talk. This Guide page lays out how advocates can build a relational climate conversations (RCCs) program to inspire supporters to take this most basic and neglected action: letting family members, friends, and neighbors know that they are not alone in caring about climate change, and that there are ways to face this crisis if they act together.

Building Organizational Advocacy Power

Building strong organizational advocacy power that is rooted in justice and equity is difficult. The Climate Advocacy Lab is here to support you. Whether you are a new organization or have been in existence for some time, it is never too late to make shifts that maximize your ability to bring about change. This guide will help you think about different practices you can implement to create a winning path.

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